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ECE 537 Schedule (Fall 2010)

L/WDDateLecture and Assignment
Lecture: Overview: Speech production, Acoustics, Psychophysics, neural and information processing.
Entropy: Its meaning, definition and the intuition behind it;
Read: Flanagan, Chapt. 1: djvu; Book: djvu
2W8/25Lecture: Mechanisms of Speech production: Sounds of speech: Vowels and consonants;
Read: Chapter 2 djvu;
HW1: Basic Acoustics (due Wed 9/8) (HW01.pdf,HW01-sol.pdf)
3F8/27Lecture: Basic acoustics and the ABCD-Transmission (Chain) matrix; Acoustic Transmission lines;
Text: Flanagan, Ch. 3.1-3.2 djvu;
Read: Flanagan, Ch. 2.2 djvu
4/2M8/30Lecture: Solution of 1-D transmission line equation: Text: Sec. 6.26; Lip radiation impedance + Sec. 3.3
5W9/1Lecture: Intensity, speech power; sound level; dB, dB-SPL, Pressure, volume velocity, impedance. Vowels, Formants;
HW2: TL and reflectance (due Fri 9/17) (pdf, sol-pdf)
6F9/3Lecture:d'Alembert solutions for 1-D and 3-D transmission lines; Sound propagation in tubes in speech production; Introduction to reflectance;
Read:: Wave model of the Cat eardrum, Parent and Allen 2007 (djvu, pdf), 2010 Human ear canal djvu, ;
Review: Matlab filter design, bilinear Z, FIR, IIR
-/3M9/6 Labor Day Holiday -- No class
7/3W9/8Lecture: Transmission Lines with complex loads and the Propagated Reflectance;
Text: Flanagan, Ch. VI (Sect. 6.262, pp 272-276);
Readings: Bilbao PhD Thesis p. 1-15 djvu
8F9/10Lecture:Impedance and reflectance at a tube junction (Karal correction djvu), and half-sphere (the mouth)
Text:: Ch. 3, Sec. 3.3, pages 136-152
9/4M9/13Lecture: 2-port networks;
Read:: Bilabo Thesis (see page 14) djvu; Text Chap. 3, sect. 3.8.1 pages 31-34 radiation impedance load;
Review: Rosowski, Carney and Peak (1988) on the cat middle ear djvu; Background material: Guinan and Peak djvu; Lynch et al. 1982 djvu
10W9/15Lecture: cont. 2-port and the 3-port nasal tract; Network Postulates djvu;
HW3: TLs with complex terminations (due in two weeks on Wed 9/29); Simulation of the middle ear: V1.1-pdf;sol-pdf
Optional Read: Thevenin (djvu), Norton (djvu)
Read: Peterson and Barney (1952) djvu and Peterson (1952) djvu
Conversion tables for 2-ports (djvu);
11F9/17Lecture: Signal processing review: Fourier Series, Fourier Transform, Laplace Transform, ZT, DTFT, DFT, FFT;
12/5M9/20Lecture: STFT window methods; Inverse STFT; STFT for speech processing with analysis/synthesis; filtering; Allen & Rabiner (1977) djvu
Reading spectrograms
--- Not proofed beyond here
13W9/22Lecture: History of acoustics:
BC: Pythagoras; Aristotle;
17C: Mersenne, Marin; Galilei, Galileo; Hooke, Robert; Boyle, Robert; Newton, Sir Issac;
18C: Bernoulli, Daniel; Euler; d'Alembert;
19C: Gauss; Laplace; Fourier; Lagrange; Helmholtz; Heaviside; Strutt, William; Rayleigh, Lord; Bell, AG
20C: Campbell, George; Hilbert, David; Noether, Emmy; Fletcher, Harvey; Nyquist, Harry; Bode, Henrik; Dudley, Homer; Shannon, Claude; Flanagan, James;
14F9/24Lecture: HW2 review; Impedance and reflectance; Bernoulli's equation Wiki
Text: Flanagan pp 41-53; Read: vanDen Berg (1957) djvu
15/6M9/27Lecture: The glottal oscillator; Bernoulli Eq. Derivation;
Read:: Flanagan Sec. 3.74 pages 69-72
16W9/29 HW3 due;
Lecture: Linear prediction of speech;
HW4: Vocal-Tract Simulation: Due Wed 10/20 (pdf, files);
Read: Flanagan Sec. 8.112, pp 372-376; Sec. 8.13, pp 390-395; Atal and Hanauer (1971) pdf,djvu;
17F10/1Review of HW3;
Lecture: Cepstral analysis;
Read:: Flanagan Chap. 8, pp 361-363;
Begin writing your Final exam: Part I;
18/7M10/4Pre-review HW4
Lecture: CELP coding;
In-class review for Exam I
19W10/6Lecture: Room acoustics; point source; 1, 2 and 6 wall Image method; Wall reflection coef. for finite impedance walls Di and Gilbert (1993) djvu
-/8F10/8no class due to Exam I
HW5 (ver 1.03 10/21/08): LPC (Due 1 week 10/20), Speech samples
-F10/8Exam I: Modeling the VT, STFT, Signal processing of speech;
Time: Fri (Oct. 8), 11AM-1PM; Place: 225 Talbot Lab (north of EL);
20/8M10/11Lecture: Psychoacoustics I: Intensity JND and the near-miss;
Internal noise model of the JND Riesz pure-tone intensity JND (1928) djvu Masking;
Weber's and Fechner's Law;
Introduction to loudness, Steven's Law;
Loudness Lecture notes (Allen): pdf
Read:: Flanagan Chapter 4 (pdf, original pdf, djvu)
HW4 due
21W10/13Lecture: Psychoacoustics II: Frequency JND, semitone, Internal noise and Masking; relation between the intensity and frequency JND (Cochlear frequency response and the slope of the tuning curve);
Read:: Allen Review (pages 20-30) djvu, Fletcher and Munson (1933) (pp 82-94) djvu
22F10/15Lecture: Cochlear Physiology I:Middle ear and inner ear (Cochlear) anatomy, basilar membrane, 1D Models, Hair cells, Nonlinear basilar membrane;
Read:: Review of Cochlear Modeling: Part II (pp 19-28): (pdf, djvu); Wegel and Lane (1924);
MIT/HST-725: The auditory system pdf
23/9M10/18Lecture: Cochlear Physiology II: traveling waves, neural tuning curves, critical bands, hair cells, neural masking, Upward spread of masking; Forward masking;
Auditory Pathway I: Neural Tuning pdf
Read:: Review of Cochlear Modeling (pp 1-19) (djvu);
Part I Supplement: Pitch: MIT HST725-5 Pitch models pdf
Fletcher and Pitch djvu
24W10/20Lecture: Cochlear Physiology III: Micromechanics, OHC,
IHC Lecture Notes (djvu): Modeling the Cochlea and Organ of Corti, and
Read:: Wegel and Lane (1924), Part II (djvu)
HW6: STFT/OLA/Speech coding (Due Wed 11/17)HW6-sol
25F10/22Lecture: Psychoacoustics III: Relations between Psychophysics and the cochlea; Greenwood's place-map function; forward masking; upward spread of masking
Read:: Review of Cochlear Modeling (pp 1-19) (djvu), Part I; Fletcher and Munson (1933) (pp 82-94) (djvu)
26/10M10/25Lecture: Cochlear Physiology IV: Nonlinear Cochlear model; supplement: The Auditory Nerve (djvu)
Read:: 'Representation of speech-like sounds ... auditory-nerve fibers' Delgutte (1980)(djvu);
HW7: (not assigned this year)
27W10/27Lecture: Cochlear Critical bands: upward spread of masking; 2 tone suppression;
Read:: 'Carlin's Postulates' of network theory (djvu); 'Harvey Fletcher's role ...' (all but the AI section) (djvu)
28F10/29Lecture: Prof. Wickesberg, Auditory Pathway (AN+CN), Part I: Fall 2008 ppt (Fall 2006 Part I: djvu)
29/11M11/1Lecture: Prof. Wickesberg, Auditory Pathway (AN+CN): Part II: djvu
30W11/3Lecture: Prof. Pandya: The central auditory system (A1 with BN stimulation) (pdf)
31F11/5Lecture: Information theory I: Information, Entropy, Relative Entropy; Channel Capacity
Read:: pp 1-10 Shannon (1948) (djvu, pdf I+pdf II)
32/12M11/8Lecture: Information theory II: Morse code example Shannon Channel
Read:: Shannon (1950) (djvu, pdf)
33W11/10Lecture: Information theory III:; Entropy, Relative Entropy, Markov models, State diagram;
34F11/12Lecture: EM algorithm: Example: Speech and noise separation
Compressed sensing Demo
Read:: French and Steinberg (1947) (djvu); Good-Turing djvu
Discussion of the EM alg. with examples
35/13M11/15Lecture: Articulation Index/Speech Transmission Index/Speech Intelligibility Index; Support material: RV Shannon et al (1995) djvu, Smith et al (2002) djvu
HW8 solution: pdf
36W11/17Lecture: STI/SII; Review for Exam II;
Read:: Steeneken & Houtgast (1980) Speech Transmission Index (djvu) and Houtgast (1989) Modulation detection (djvu)
-R11/18Exam II: (NO CLASS Friday 11/19) Psychoacoustics, Physiology, Speech, LPC, Tubes, Historical items;Place: EL-143; Time: 7-9 PM
DUE: Preliminary version of your Final Exam for review
--- Thanksgiving Holiday (11/22-11/28)
37/14M11/29Lecture: Human speech recognition (HSR), Articulation Index (AI), average score: Pc(AI)=1-echanceeminAI, The confusion matrix (CM), maximum entropy syllable error models, etc.; Allen notes (djvu)
Read:: Continue with French and Steinberg (1947)djvu; Miller Nicely (1955) djvu; Miller Nicely confusions as a function of the articulation index; entropy, grouping and chance djvu
HW8: Information processing (Due Fri 11/21); (pdf, files)
Assignment: Work on Final exam
38W12/1Lecture: Effects of language and semantic context Miller (1962), Boothroyd (1988),
Allen Notes: Events and the AI(djvu)
Read: Miller, Heisen and Lichten (1951) (djvu)
39F12/3Lecture: Language context models, Boothroyd; Bronkhorst93
40/15M12/6Lecture: Language context models, cont., Bronkhorst93
41W12/8Lecture: not Prof. Richard Sproat and ``Alice in wonderland`` ppt
Read: W. Li Random texts exhibit Zipf's-Law djvu
0R12/9Reading Day; HW8 due
-/15M12/9-13 Final Due Dec 9-13 TBD


The final is a 15-25 page paper, written in the style and format (but single column) of a journal paper, that discusses everything that you have learned in this course. Writing style, spelling, figures, labels of figures, are all part of the grade.

Allen's Grading of the final

The final is graded based on a list of all the topics that are covered. If there is a paragraph that discusses each topic on my list, then you get at least 1 point, and if the discussion covers the topic effectively, you can get up to 5 points. There are at least 20 topics on the list. When you get to 100 points, you get an A+ on the exam. I expect that you draw on the homework as a starting point. Don't just dump the homework into the exam without modification, that wont get you points. Don't just dump a large number of unexplained figures (that you got from someone else for example) and expect to get points. I need words around each figure. I am looking for insightful comments that link the material together.

Your comments on the relevance of each of the topics I covered in this course, homework problems, exams, etc., are welcome. No points will be taken off, nor given, for strong opinions on my teaching style, or lack thereof, organization, or lack thereof, etc. Please put all such comments in a discussion section at the end of the paper, isolated from the rest of the material.

course description

Fall 2008 calendar

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